Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Special Girl

"What are these?" asks Hana's mom.
"A girl and a boy," replies Hana.
"Just a girl?"
"Whyn is she wearing a crown?"
"Because she is very special to the boy."

With hair like that, I hope she's not bringing one like that home. Is he wearing a black ballet suit under his blue jeans?


If this is not an art, I don't know what is.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Queen for the Day’

This one is no drawing from Hana, but about Hana. Today she was ‘Queen for the Day’ and all her classmates learned how to spell her name, drew her picture, and asked her questions. These are the results. Hana was particularly smitten with this one. “I can’t understand that she’s not amazed with her own drawing,” she said.
Hana was. “She is from another country, almost like China or something.”
Hana practising her sight words in class.
A drawing of a lady painting a Christmastree.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today is Hana’s first day in elementary school; she started grade 1 this morning. Her first work home was an assignment; “Draw Your Favorite Reading Place”. For Hana, that is the balcony that has her pool, and the big brass bed with the pillows, and the bamboo. I could recognize the spot. Can you? Up is her drawing, down is the actual spot.
A pinto horse.
And a fox, that looks like the cat in the hat. But it is a fox.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Princess Dress

Hana got some pink satin gloves. And so she brought her mother’s high heels out. But something was missing; a gown to go with the gloves. She picked out a design from a magazine (very elaborate one, I might add), and browsed through my stock of textiles-that-I-want-to-do-something-with-one-day-but-haven’t-had-the-time-to-do-so-for-the-past-18-years, and picked up some pink stuff for the dress.
So why the frustration, you might think (on her face)? She assumed she just could cut the dress into a fit, but the fact that it needs to be sewed as well, greatly annoyed her. And so she gave up.

Peanut People

"What are these, Hana?" asks Hana's mom.
"Peanut people," replies Hana.
"And what do these peanut people do?" says Hana's mom.
"I had a feeling you were going to ask that," replies Hana.