Am I glad I started blogging Hana’s art! Look what came in just today. I think they have been working on making their own machines and objects in class. It is all wonderfully creative, I must say, but also quite big and bulky.

This is a building, made by joining two boxes together. It is a sky scraper, and can be placed in one position only. It may not be thrown away, so we’ll put it somewhere until she forgets about it.

This particular item is a ‘thing to watch the stars’. She made her own telescope in class with a number of packaging materials. She is now officially a star gazer.

Then this is her inspiration on the ‘
Paper BagPrincess.’ I can see a line here. I think they’ve been working on recycling in class, and working with used materials. The teacher must have read (
list to audio) the Paper Bag Princess in class (about a princess who wears a paper bag as dress). We don’t have paper grocery bags here, but we have plastic ones. She made pants, and said she was the ‘Paper Bag Princess’.

And this is the production of one day.