School’s out, and a massive amount of art work came home today. MASSIVE! It is so much, there is no way I am going to document it all. It all came in this big fat file with this drawing on top; a girl with a balloon and some flowers. I am very pleased with the border she drew. At had her name too (more on that below). Her shoes have these little crossed bands on them. Exactly like the shoes (glittery gold with a purple butterfly and crossed bands) she picked out.
A lot comes from her Arabic classes. Her Arabic is poor, as she hears little of it at home, and she has a distinct accent when pronouncing Arabic words, unlike her brother, who is fluent. But the teacher is making lots of effort to get this one into becoming a native speaker, through art.
The first set is obviously about emotions.
The Lebanese flag.
I like the notes she wrote on it. She can distinguish between written letters and numbers in both English and Arabic, and she recognizes French when it is spoken, but she also knows about signs for music.
Practising her Arabic numerals
Then there are animals.
I know about the giraffe, I heard her practice the word ‘giraffe’ in Arabic; sjeraffa. Obviously she reads about spiders and snakes and mice as well in Arabic.
I cannot read the Arabic titles above the pictures. Maybe you can.
A rooster and a hen with a nest of eggs, about to hatch (see the cracked lines?). Both birds have this fleshy thing hanging from their beaks. I am amazed at the details she puts into some of her pictures.
This is her name in Arabic. Being the illiterate that I am, I never really got into writing my daughter’s name in Arabic. I assumed it was all the same. But just as there is a difference between Hana, Hanna and Hannah (not in sound though), there are differences in how you pronounce Hana in Arabic.
So while the Arabic teacher assumed for two years that her name was Hanah, it was in fact, Hana. Yes, you see the difference? I don’t either. But the grandmother did. It is a question of emphasis, it seems. She picked up Hana from school one day, and Hana had her Arabic file with her, with her name incorrectly written (according to grandmother). So we changed all that. And now it is Hana, even in Arabic. 

The first set is obviously about emotions.

Then there are animals.

Here is the family. She sees the housekeeper as part of the family, which is probably a good thing, as the lady is with us just about the whole day.