Hana lost her two lower teeth quite some time ago. But the top has been wiggling ever since. But that's all it did; wiggle. She could turn one tooth 360 degrees and pop it back in place, and she would show it to me too.

But finally, last week, while talking to a classmate, it suddenly 'flew' out. The tooth came back from school in a little tooth box, and has been exchanged for 5,000 LBP by the tooth fairy.
Admitted, I thought the 5,000 LBP was a bit hefty for one single tooth, but the tooth fairy did not have any change on her. It was either 5,000, or 50,000.

And so 5,000 it was. Since then, she's made a self-portrait of her own toothless grin with oil paint. She's getting the hang of it. She does the outside features before she does the eyes and the mouth. She used to do it the other way.