These are strange times. Hana has no school, since a union strike somehow ended up in a full scale battle between Hezbollah and forces loyal to the government. Yesterday was quiet, as the battles took place in other neighborhoods, but the fighting has moved this evening into our part of town. There’s gunfire on the outskirts of the neighborhood, and it seems the army is involved now as well since we hear RPG’s and heavier material.
A planned sleep-over at Leila’s had to be cancelled, much to Hana’s dismay. She’s wondering when the war will end. She doesn’t like the big bangs, but the gunfire is like firework to her, so she doesn’t mind that.
And so she paints. The greater the canvas, the better she likes it, and there’s nothing better than an entire wall.
A planned sleep-over at Leila’s had to be cancelled, much to Hana’s dismay. She’s wondering when the war will end. She doesn’t like the big bangs, but the gunfire is like firework to her, so she doesn’t mind that.